Journey Church's vision is to provide a spiritual home to a family of souls united in growing our relationship with our Creator through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Welcome to
Journey Presbyterian Church of Folsom
Welcome to
Journey Presbyterian Church of Folsom
Journey Church's vision is to provide a spiritual home to a family of souls united in growing our relationship with our Creator through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What to Expect
Worship is held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. Worship style is traditional with piano accompaniment. On special occasions a choir and/or contemporary music is included to enhance the worship experience. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. All are invited and gluten free bread is available. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is provided.
Fellowship Opportunities
After worship, coffee, tea, cookies, fresh fruit, and vegetables are offered to all in the social hall. We have many additional opportunities for fellowship. Bible study groups meet two days a week. The prayer room is scheduled open with a deacon once a week. Various committee meetings happen nearly every week. The church has an all church cleanup day a few times a year. There are frequent congregational meetings and congregational brunches. The church hosts an all church retreat at Zephyr Point, a Presbyterian Church (USA) conference center, once a year.